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reminders, tips, class highlights...

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Today in Class...10/1


Period 1/3:
1. Vocabulary Test
2. Stereotypes...Short stories

HW: Chapter 10 with notes by Monday

Period 4:
1. Chapter in a bag
HW: Chapter 10

Period 5/7:
1. "Chapter in a Bag"
2. Vocabulary test

HW: Chapter 10 by tom.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Bonus 3

On a piece of paper, respond to the following questions:

1. Who is the person in the picture?
2. What is unique/remarkable about her?
3. Where does she live?

Submit your answer to me by Monday at 3:00 for 2 bonus points. The first two students will receive a prize.

Today in Class...9/30


Period 1/3 and 5/7:
1. Vocab- "say something"
2. Catch up time
3. Outsiders activities

HW- Per 1/3: Chapter 9 and Journals
Per 5/7: Chapter 10 due Friday, Journals

Period 4:
1. Symbolism
2. Who is S.E.Hinton?
HW- Journals,Ch 9

Monday, September 28, 2009

Today in Class...9/29


Periods 1/3 and 5/7:
1. Vocab review (test Thursday)
2. SRI- How have you grown as a reader? (Computer lab)

HW- Period 1/3: Chapter 9 due Thursday with notes
HW-Period 5/7: Chapter 9 due tom. with notes

Period 4:
1. Chapter 8...discuss
2. Characterization and symbolism
3. Catch up time
HW: Chapter 9 due Thursday

Friday, September 25, 2009

Today in Class...9/28

Period 1/3, 5/7:
1. vocabulary practice (test Wednesday)
2. Double bubble- Punks and Jocks/Outsiders
3. Outsiders discuss/activity ("the ball of knowledge")

HW-Period 1/3: Chapter 8 with notes
HW-Period 5/7: Chapter 9 with notes due Wed.

Period 4:
1. Outsiders discussion
HW: Ch 8 due tom. with notes

Today in Class...9/25

Periods 1/3 & 5/7:
1. Another bonus/prize opportunity...
2. Writing folders- organize
3. Free reading Friday time
4. "Punks and Jocks"- video

HW- Period 1/3: Chapter 7 with notetaking due Monday

Period 5/7: Chapter 8 with notetaking due Monday

Period 4:
1. Bonus?
2. Writing folders...organize
HW: Chapter 7 due Monday (with notetaking choice)

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


What is the relationship between the picture on the right and The Outsiders? What is the name of the poem it relates to? Who wrote it? (2 pts)
For two more bonus points, memorize the poem and recite it to Mrs. Law.

*Submit your response (both the written and/or verbal) to Mrs. Law by Tuesday 9/29. The first three correct responses will receive a prize.

Today in Class...9/24

Reminder: Journals due in one week!

Periods 1/3 and 5/7:
1. Vocab (finish/check activities and start sentences)
2. Novel quiz
3. Outsiders activity and moving on...

HW- Period 1/3: Chapter 7 with notes due Monday (or Friday for no hw over weekend!)

HW- Period 5/7: Chapter 8 with notes due Monday (or Friday for no homework over the weekend!)

Period 4:
1. Quick quiz
2. Back to Lab- Mr. Russo's assignment
HW: Chapter 7 due Monday (or Friday for no hw over weekend)

Today in Class...9/23


Periods 1/3 and 5/7:
1. Becoming better writers... concrete language and painting sentences
2. More vocabulary practice
3. Outsiders time

HW- Period 1/3: Chapter 6 with notetaking due tomorrow, Novel quiz tom.

HW-Period 5/7: Chapter 7 with notetaking due tmorrow, Novel quiz tom.

Period 4:
1. Short story...
2. Outsiders time
HW: Chapter 6 with notetaking due tom., Novel quiz tom.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Today in Class...9/21

Periods 1/3 and 5/7:
1. (Finish vocab)
2. Sentence Variety whiteboards
3. Outsiders discuss and move on... another notetaking option

Per 1/3 HW: Chapter 5 with graphic organizer (flow map)

Per 5/7: Chapter 6 with graphic organizer (flow map)

Period 4:
1. Ch 4 discuss
2. Ch 5 with new notetaking method
HW: Chapter 5 with graphic organizer


Bonus point opportunity!!!
Who is the man in the picture on the right? Why is he included on my page?
* Submit your answer on a piece of paper to Mrs. Law by Tuesday, Sept. 22 for 2 bonus points! The first 3 students will also receive a prize!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Today in Class...9/18

*Journals due October 1st! You may hand them in as you complete them.
Period 1/3:
1. Last of the vocab..(5more)
2. Free reading Friday!
3. Gangs (con.)
HW: Vocab sheet, Outsiders Ch 4 and notes sheet

Period 4:
1. Sentence Variety
HW: Chapter 4 with notes sheet

Period 5/7:
1. Gangs (con.) and QAR
2. Outsiders Chapter 4- What happened at the park?
3. Free reading Friday!
HW: Chapter 5 with notes sheet

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Today in Class...9/17

Remember: Journals are due Oct. 1st! You may hand them in as you complete your entries!

Periods 1/3 and 5/7:
1. Outsiders...sticky note share and discuss
2. What is a Gang?

HW Period 1/3: Chapter 4 due Monday with chapter notes sheet
HW Period 5/7: Chapter 4 due Friday with sticky notes

Period 4:
1. Discuss Outsiders & quiz results
2. Sentence variety white boards
HW: Chapter 4 due Mon. with notes sheet

Today in Class...9/16

Period 1/3:
1. Quiz- Ch 1&2
2. Vocab (con.)
3. "Sticky notes"- Ch 3
HW: Finish Chapter 3 with 5 sticky notes

Period 4:
1. Quiz- Ch 1&2
2. Sticky notes & Chapter 3
HW: Chapter 3 with 5 sticky notes

Period 5/7:
1. Your Journal
2. Vocab (con.)
3. Quiz Ch's 1&2
HW: 5 Sticky notes with Chapter 4 due Friday

Monday, September 14, 2009

Today in Class...9/15

Period 1/3:
1. Your Journal...
2. Outsiders reading time
4. (Period 3)Library- Free reading books- MEET HERE FIRST
HW: Read Chapter 2 Outsiders, add character(s) to notes, novel quiz tom.

Period 4:
1. Your Journal
2. Do we know our characters?
HW: Chapter 2 Outsiders, novel quiz tom.

Period 5/7:
1. Characters
2. Vocabulary- first ten words
3. Library- books- MEET HERE FIRST
HW: Vocab sentences and pics, novel quiz tom.

In Class Today...Monday 9/14

Period 1/3:
1. Lit elements pre- tests back
2. Who are the characters in The Outsiders?
3. Outsiders vocab: first ten words
HW: Chapter 2 due Wednesday, Vocabulary 5 pictures, 5 sentences due tom.

Period 4:
1. Lit elements pre-tests
2. Characters of The Outsiders
HW: Chapter 2 due Wednesday

Period 5/7:
1. Lit elements pre-tests
2. Story groups meet and present
3. Characters of The Outsiders
HW: Chapter 3 due Wednesday

Friday, September 11, 2009

In Class Today...9/11

Period 1/3 and 4:
1. Materials check- have everything out and ready to be checked
2. Organize binders
3. Outsiders background... What was going on in the sixties? (period 4-finish)
4. Start our first class novel!

Period 5/7:
1. Materials check/organize, Final copies ready to hand in
2. Outsiders reading time
3. Short stories in groups... "The Moocher", "Priscilla and the Wimps", "The Fan Club"

Period 1/3 and 4: Chapter 1 with character notes (period 1- final copies!)
Period 5/7: Chapters 1,2 with character notes

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

In Class Today... Thursday 9/10

Periods 1/3, 5/7:

1. Final copies...your next step
2. Agree/Disagree?
3. Outsiders Background info

HW: Final copies of personal paragraphs due Friday (Monday for per 1/3)
Materials due Friday!

Period 4:

1. Outsiders background info
2. Books
HW: Outsiders reading and character notes

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Wednesday, September 9th

Periods 1,3 and 5/7
1. "Billboards"... writing task and final copies
2. Literary Elements- PRE-test
3. Agree/Disagree?

HW: Billboard writing task and final copies due Friday, materials due Friday, Yellow packets signed and turned in by Thursday

Period 4:
1. Literary Elements PRE-test
2. Billboard final copies
HW: Billboard final copies due Friday, yellow packets Thursday, materials Friday

Thursday, September 3, 2009

First Day!

Welcome!! Here is what we'll be up to on your first day in my classroom.

1. Where do I sit?
2. Blog- How it will work...
3. Materials/Expectations/Grading/Routines
4. Getting to know you "Billboards"

HW: Materials due Friday, Billboard final copies and personal paragraphs due Friday

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Necessary Materials: (Due Friday)

3 inch binder
Dividers with tabs (5)
Loose-leaf paper

Please see me if there is any reason you cannot have these supplies by Friday. You will receive an easy homework grade for simply being prepared!