
Follow me on Twitter! @lisalaw423
reminders, tips, class highlights...

Friday, December 21, 2012

Today in Class...12/21

Have a wonderful holiday break. Relax (and finish The Giver!)...

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Today in Class...12/19

What is your favorite color?
1. Memories notes
2. Color in The Giver- activity
1. Finish/finalize movies
2. Revise/print/and hand in BOTH copies of Argumentative Essay
After Friday, if we don't have your revision, the original grade stands.
3. Work on Giver work
HW: Giver section 4 due Friday

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Today in Class...12/18

What will YOUR assignment be?
1. Quick chat about "Stirrings"...
2. Assignment Ceremony
3. Free-write/ Read
4. Lab: Final touches?
HW: Giver section 3 due tomorrow

Friday, December 14, 2012

Today in Class...12/17

1.  Quiz Giver section 2 (open notes)
2. Read on/work on notes sheet for next section
3. Movie-making!
ANNOUNCEMENT: "Assignment Ceremony" tomorrow! What will your assignment be???? :)
Giver section 3 and notes due Wednesday

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Today in Class...12/14

How do I create a "polished" PSA or Interview?

1. Beyond The Giver options
2. LAB: Finish Utopia webquests
3. Finish revising essays
4. Edit/Production of Videos!
HW: Giver section 2 Due Monday, Finish Essay Revisions

Today in Class...12/13

1. LAB: Work on Argumentative Essay revisions (see LAW folder for help with in-text citations, if needed)
While working, we'll be uploading videos...Be patient and work quietly as you wait to get your camera.
2. LAB: Mrs. Wenner will take you through the steps of editing/producing your video!
HW: Giver section 2 due Monday, Finish Argumentative revisions....MUST BE HANDED IN WITH ORIGINAL DRAFT AND RUBRIC!!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Today in Class...12/12

How can I improve my Argumentative Essay?
1. Share rules/routines/activities with buddy
2. Quick Quiz- Ch's 1-4
3. Argumentative Essays back...Revision time
4. Filming/ Revising/ Uploading for the next two days....
HW: Giver section 2 due Monday, add to your notes

Monday, December 10, 2012

Today in Class...12/11

What is a utopia? Do/can utopian societies exist?
1. Webquest- Lab
2. Film!
HW: Giver section 1 due Wednesday

Today in Class...12/10

Happy Birthday Ellie! Happy Birthday Ireland!
How important are feelings to a society?
What are the things that make you go "hmmm???...." in The Giver?
1. Finish/work on "feelings masks"
2. New novel day! Introducing...The Giver
3. Few Lit elements notes
4. Rehearsal day
HW: See bookmark for The Giver reading schedule, Giver notes

Friday, December 7, 2012

Today in Class...12/7

How important is it to express our feelings? How often should we do it?
1. "Lest We Forget"....
2. The Giver and feelings....
3. Masks
4. First stages of video production...scripts
HW: Think about and bring in props for video rehearsals

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Today in Class...12/6

What is sci-fi?
1. Memories!
2. Sci-fi story..."Lest We Forget"
3. Start on your OWN video production!
HW: Magi story

Today in Class...12/5

How does O.Henry, through irony, achieve humor in his stories?
1. VIEW  O.Henry's "The Ransom of Red Chief"...Fill out flow map while viewing
2. Start free-write (Memory)
3. Current even Wednesday
HW: free-write (Memory), finish current event (if necessary)

Monday, December 3, 2012

Today in Class....12/4

Modern-day Della and Jim?...
1. Creative writing time! ..Guidelines
2. Finish/vote/reveal "best teacher" of mini-lessons
3. Misused words clip
4. Skills partners...Work in purple books
5. Create your personal notes
HW: Continue working on Magi story...typed copy due Friday, Study "words often confused" notes

Today in Class...12/3

Will you recognize O.Henry's classic story, "The Gift of the Magi"?
1. Share "prized possessions"
2. Read story (independently)
What is the irony? What type?
3. Free read if done....
4. Words often confused...You're the teacher!
5. Sweep and Keep!
HW: Finish reading Magi...Be thinking of how you could create a contemporary version. (Details to follow!)