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reminders, tips, class highlights...

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Today in Class...3/29

What did I learn about my decade?
1. Finish stations and "clean up" packets. Did you do a thorough job?
2. New books...Decide on what you will read by Monday and pick your notetaking...
HW: First section of book read and notetaking by Mon.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Today in class...3/26

How can I learn essential vocab?

1.vocab "gallery" and notes

2. Plan for tomorrow's decades stations, assigned book, group number and decade

hw:finish vocab notes, roots sheet

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Today in Class...3/23

What can we learn about history through reading literature?
Of all of the historical fiction choices, what book sounds like the one for me?
1. Book promos & ratings
2. Finish posters!!/Work on roots
HW: none

Today in Class...3/22

What are some useful terms to know for tests?
1. "The Bracelet" discuss...
The story behind the story....
2. You're the teacher...Vocab posters
HW: None

Periods 5&6:
How well do I know test terminology?
1. "The Bracelet" discuss & story behind story
2. Rate your vocab knowledge
3. Roots..con.
HW: Roots 14/15

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Today in Class...3/21

What can I learn about our history through literature?
1. Go over word roots
2. "The Bracelet"- short story
HW: Finish story "sunshine"

Monday, March 19, 2012

Today in class...3/20

What is historical fiction? What can we learn about life through reading it?
1. Picture book: This School is Not White
2. Response sheet/discussion
3. Go over roots & new?
HW: Finish word roots sheet 1

Today in Class...3/19

Catch up/mish-mash
1. Finish vocab tic-tac-toe sentences
2. New spelling unit...Remember it??
3. Roots/prefixes/suffixes
HW: Finish word roots sheet 12/13

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Today in Class...3/15/2012

How well do I know the current vocabulary unit?
1. Catch up time (finish story questions..discuss, cards/packets done?)
2. Grade your own packets...Pick your best score!
3. Vocab tic-tac toe (hand in results as your exit slip for your grade)
HW: Enjoy the weather and your long weekend! (Finish any incomplete work from today, if necessary.)

Period 8:
1. Vocab packets? Complete if not done!!!! Vocab flashcards? (finish after story)
2. Short story: "Stop the Sun"... Stories of extraordinary survival

Monday, March 12, 2012

Today in Class...3/12/2012

I'm back!!!!! :)
1. This wacky week...end of Survival Unit- stories of extroardinary survival
2. Odds n' Ends- Clean up vocab
(packets complete? flashcards)
3. Thank you Miss Bell
HW: Finish vocab work

Period 6:
1. Wacky week...FYI
2. Another Jack London creation...White Fang
What connections can you make between his two works?
3. Thank you Miss Bell

Period 8:
1. Wacky week
2. Touching Spirit Bear unit test
3. Thank you Miss Bell!
HW: none!