
Follow me on Twitter! @lisalaw423
reminders, tips, class highlights...

Friday, December 20, 2013

Today in Class...12/20

Happy Birthday AJ!
1. Touch base on The Giver
2. Feel-good Friday clips- Holiday themed
3. Begin comparison piece (movie) to The Giver
HW: Relax and enjoy a slower pace of life!
(While relaxing, periods 8/9, finish The Giver)

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Today in Class...12/19

1.  What is "release"?
2. Work on Memory mural pieces
3. "Feel-good Thursday"- holiday themed
HW: Finish book over break
Be sure to take "Above and Beyond"materials home with you if you need them
Tmrrw we will begin viewing our comparison feature, Pleasantville

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Today in Class...12/18

What memories has Jonas received so far?
1. Check on/discuss memories
2. Reading time- Chapters 16, 17...(Partner or independent read)
HW: Chapters 16, 17 with notes

Periods 8/9:

1. Memory mural work (alternate assessment)
Hw: Next section due tmrrw

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Today in Class...12/17

What is a world without color?
1. Thinking about/discussing color
2. Catch up time
(Finish quiz, read, free-writes...)
HW: Chapters 14, 15 & Memories notes
Periods 8/9: 15-19 due thursday, Memories notes

Monday, December 16, 2013

Today in Class...12/16

Happy Birthday Cassie!
Happy Birthday Wanxin!
Happy Birthday Brydget!
Happy Birthday Adam C.!
Happy Birthday Sydney C.!

How will you feel when the rest of your life is determined FOR you?
1. Assignment Ceremony
2. Free-write
HW: Periods 3/4/5: Chapter 13
Periods 8/9: Next reading section- add to memory notes

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Today in Class...12/13

Who is in your birth-order group?
1. Prepare for The Assignment Ceremony- What will your assignment be?
2. Read on
3. (Period 8/9- Memories  notes)
HW: Chapter 12 and fill out Memories sheet
Quiz tomorrow on 6-12

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Today in Class...12/11

What is Jonas's community missing?

Periods 3/4/5:
1. Jonas's rules
2. New (Memory) notes
3. Read Chapters 10,11 (partner read or independent)
HW: 10 & 11 with Memories notes
Quiz Friday

Period 8/9:
1. What is your number? (Period 9 reversed)
2. Jonas's rules (jot down while reading)
3. Partner/ independent read or work on Free-write
HW: Section 1 due tomorrow
Free-write, Quiz Friday- ***Note: Quiz will cover up through Chapter 12

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Today in Class...12/10

What is Jonas's community missing?

1. Check yourself!
2. Discussion
3. What is your number???
4. Reading time
HW: Chapters 8,9 add to notes
Include: What are Jonas's own rules for his job?

Periods 8/9:
1. Let's talk about STIRRINGS
2. Free-write/read
HW: Reading section and procedures, etc. notes due Thurs.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Today in Class...12/9

Happy Birthday Justin!
Happy Birthday Kitana!

Periods 3/4/5
1. Let's chat about...."Stirrings"!
2. Reading time...
HW: Chapters 6 & 7 due tmrrw
Continue to add to your rules/procedures of community notes

Periods 8/9:

1. Lab- Quiz
HW: Prepare Chapter 5 for tomorrow's discussion-- What are "stirrings"?
(Entire next section due Thursday) Continue to add to your rules/procedures notes.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Today in Class...12/6

Happy Birthday Sam!
Happy Birthday Damien!!

Periods 3/4/5:
1. Share/discuss rules, routines, age-related events
2. Quiz Chapters 1-4
3. Reading time
HW: Chapter 5 & add to notes (You should be able to tell someone what "Stirrings" are on Monday!)

Period 8/9:

1. Above and Beyond options
2. Groups- Rules, routines, age-related events of the community
3. Reading...
HW: Quiz on 1-4 Monday- add to notes

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Today in Class...12/5

What are the rules and routines of Jonas's community?
Today in Class...12/5
1. The "I didn't read" assignment
2. Groups- routines, rules notes sheet
3. Chapter 3 together
HW: chs 3,4 due tomorrow- quick quiz 1-4

Periods 8/9:
1. The Last of the Book Chats
2. Share School-topias
3. Giver books and reading schedule
4. Begin together
HW: Giver reading, notes (see bookmark) and quick quiz Monday

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Today in Class...12/4

Periods 3/4/5
1. "Lest We Forget" quote and discuss
2. "Schooltopias"?
3. Utopia/Dystopia
4. Giver books- Start together
HW: Giver Chapters 1&2 

Periods 8/9
1. "Lest We Forget"- continued
2. Science fiction, Dystopia/Utopia
3. Free-write
HW: "School-topia" Free-write (at least drafted ready to share)

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Today in Class...12/3

Periods 3,4,5:
1. Work on "Lest We Forget" questions/discuss
2. Begin free-write when done
3. New lit terms
HW: Work on free-write- prepare for discussion

Periods 8/9:
1.  Read "Lest We Forget"-intro to Sci Fi  and work on questions
2. Book chats
HW: Finish "Lest We Forget" work

Monday, December 2, 2013

Today in Class...12/2

What kind of memory do you have??
1. Comma quizzes back...see me after school?
2. Book chats (Period 8/9)
3. Our memories- quick discussion
4. SCI FI intro story: "Lest We Forget"...(begin)
HW: Finish "Lest We Forget" question (periods 3,4,5)

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Today in Class...11/26

1. Comma Quiz
*Be sure to have something quiet to do after!! Malala questions turned in yet? They're late!
2. Final book chats
HW: Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 25, 2013

Today in Class...11/25

Periods 3/4/5:
1. Oops! Forgot one quick comma rule!
2. Comma review sheets- partners
3. Book chats
HW: Study for Comma quiz!

Period 8/9:
1. Comma review sheet
2. Book chats
HW: Study for Comma quiz!

Friday, November 22, 2013

Today in Class...11/22

1. Commas continued...Malala questions
2. Book chats- a few
HW: Finish comma work if not done
Comma quiz Tuesday- Study your comma rules!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Today in Class...11/22

1. You're on! Book chats (5) today
2. Time to finish (and hand in) Malala questions from yesterday
3. The store is open!
HW: Book chats con.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Today in Class...11/20

1. Check in with our friend, Malala, on a popular (comedy) talk show
2. Comma review
HW: Book chats begin tomorrow, store opens tomorrow

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Today in Class...11/19

1. Comma rules past and present
2. Comma partner work
3. Independent reading, work on Book Chat, Free-writes. NO EXCEPTIONS!!
HW: Book chats start Thursday. Be ready- It could be you!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Today in Class...11/18

Happy Birthday Cooper!
1. Go over comma work
2. First/next rules
3. Time for free-reading or free-writes
HW: Book chats start Thursday!
Periods 3/4/5: Free-writes tomorrow by 3:40

Friday, November 15, 2013

Today in Class...11/15

1. Book chat outlines
2. Punctuation Friday!!
HW: Free writes due Tuesday

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Today in Class...11/14

Periods 3/4/5:
1. Reading log-- What  have we read this year?
2. Free reading check in- Book chats coming up!
3. Finish Malala 20/20 and begin free-write
HW: Free-writes due Tuesday

Period 8/9:
1. Punctuation Thursday!
(Finish conferences)
HW: Narratives

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Today in Class...11/13

Periods 3/4/5:
1. Malala and the fight for girls' education- Continued....(Feel-good Wednesday!)
2. 20/20 News video
HW: Hand in Narratives by Thursday 3:40
Free-write Set 1 due Tuesday 11/19

Periods 8/9:
1. Reading log updates
2. Free reading update-- (Casual) Book chats in your future
3. Finish Malala 20/20 and begin free-write
HW: Narratives Thursday (I will take them before)

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Today in Class...11/12

Periods 3/4/5:
1. Bonus day of typing Narratives!
-Finish typing and SAVE
-Print and get ready for conference
-Conference, then make changes
Done with all of the above? Free read! (Free reading book chats will be soon approaching!)

Periods 8/9:
1. Malala follow-up
20/20 News segment and Free-write
HW: Finish free-write, Narrative drafts typed, printed and ready to hand in by Thursday!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Today in Class...11/7

What do I need to do to complete my Narrative first draft?
1. GRAVITY articles- compare and contrast 
(While reading I will call some of you for writing conferences)
HW: Make progress on Narrative drafts and SELF-EDIT checklist when done

Period 8/9:
1. Lab- Finish typing drafts
2. Done with everything? Watch a bonus "FFG video" and write an expository paragraph describing story AND why the story is important. Xtra credit-- points added onto a low assignment
HW: Narrative drafts ready for conference. *Do not hand in until you have had a conference and revised

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Today in Class...11/6

Where am I in my Narrative drafting process?
Library- Conferences
Order of events:
1. Finish draft 1 of Narrative
2. Self-edit checklist (you will need a print copy for this)
3. FREE READ while you wait to be called for Conference
HW: Continue to work on Narratives (today is last class day for first drafts)

Monday, November 4, 2013

Today in Class...11/4

Happy Birthday Ellie!!
1. Finish Malala article and finish/discuss Conclusion question
2. Narrative rubrics and using "Expanded Moments" in your story
(Some conferences started today...)
HW: Finish Malala conclusion questions

Friday, November 1, 2013

Today in Class...11/1

Happy Birthday Cory!
1. Reminder: If you do not have a solid beginning of your narrative, work on it for Monday.
2. Feel Good Friday! An inspirational teenager...
HW: Periods 8/9- Finish Conclusion questions for article

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Today in Class...10/30

How do I begin drafting my narrative?
1. Label flow charts
2. Examples of story starters
3. Writing time
HW: Finish drafting BEGINNING of Narrative

Period 8/9:
1. Discuss components of The Great Rat Hunt
2. Create your flow chart
3. Examples of story starters
HW: Beginning of Narrative

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Today in Class...10/29

What are the parts/components of a Narrative story?
1. Finish "Rat Hunt" independently- flow chart
2. Parts of the story?
3. Brainstorm and start outlining YOUR Narrative
HW: Finish Narrative flow chart- Be ready to start rough draft tomorrow

Periods 8/9:
1. Read "The Great Rat Hunt"- example of Narrative writing
2. Flow chart and parts of story
HW: Fill out flow chart for YOUR story- Be ready to draft tomorrow

Monday, October 28, 2013

Today in Class...10/28

Happy Birthday Kaylie!
1. Poe pound winners
2. Read a Narrative before we Write a Narrative- "The Great Rat Hunt"
HW: Be thinking of your Narrative idea,  Review vocab words (Test Thursday)

Periods 8/9:
1. Poe pounds winners
2. "Smiley face tricks"... Last trick to add to your Narrative pieces
HW: Review vocab words- Test Thursday

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Today in Class...10/24

Can I translate my writing practice to my writing?
1. Check in with diction
2. Free-write # 4- On-demand Narrative story inspired by a picture
HW: Finish free-write

Periods 8/9:
1. Check in with diction
2. Figurative language and Poe
HW: Free-writes due Monday

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Today in Class...10/23

Happy Birthday David D.!!
Can I translate writing skills work to my actual writing?
When do I write at a formal level? Informal?
Periods 3,4,5:
1. Finish vocab check-in (Have fill-ins ready to be turned in.)
2. Diction..
HW: Finish Writing with Style packet

Periods 8/9:
1. Finish vocab check-in
2. Colloquialism and diction
3. Free-write #5
HW: Diction revisions in WWS packet
Finish first set of Free-writes! Due Monday

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Today in Class...10/22

1. Finish up vocabulary/free-read
2. Vocab-ball!
HW: Finish vocab work if not done

Period 8/9:
1.Free read/finish vocab few minutes...
2. Vocab-ball!
3. Diction
HW: Finish vocab work if not done

Friday, October 18, 2013

Today in Class...10/18

What can I do to make my writing flow?
Periods 3/4/5:
1. Share/finish "flow"
2. Vocab 11-20
HW: None! (But be sure to bring a free reading book by Monday!)

Periods 8/9:
1. "Flow" continued...
2. Free reading
HW: None! (Be sure to have a free reading book Monday!)

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Today in Class...10/17

What skills can I use to make my writing flow?
1. Finish "flow" work
2. Vocab 11-20
HW: Get a free reading book!!! Will be checked on Monday

Period 8/9:
1. "Flow" in writing
HW: Get a free reading book! Make sure free-writes are caught up

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Today in Class...10/16

How can I make my narrative writing more engaging?
1. Tests back (periods 3/4)
2. "Flow" in writing
HW: Extra credit book projects due Oct 21
Free reading books!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Today in Class...10/15

Happy Birthday Rivers bros!!!
Happy Birthday John R.!!
1. New Vocabulary (suspense unit) 1-10
2. Outsiders tests back
HW: Extra book project due 10/21
Catch up on free-writes

Periods 8/9:
1. Vocabulary 11-20
2. Outsiders tests back
HW: Catch up on free-writes
Extra book due 10/17

Friday, October 11, 2013

Today in Class...10/11

How can I make my writing more engaging?
What is the GOOD news in the world?
1. Share Writing with Style work (Periods 8/9 finish vocab)
2. "Feel good Friday" & Free-write
HW: Extra book due Oct 21
8/9- Due Oct 17

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Today in Class...10/10

How can I make my narrative writing more engaging?

Periods 3,4, 5:
1. Perfect your free-writes from yesterday- Or share?
2. Writing skill work- Expanding sentences and using precise words
HW: Extra credit book? Due Oct 21

Periods 8/9:
1. Finish skill work from yesterday OR read (10-15 min)- Prepare your "expert" vocab lesson
2. Share/compare skill work
3. New suspense vocabulary: First 10 words
( You're the teacher)
HW: Extra book Oct 17

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Today in Class...10/9

Happy Birthday Cara!
How can I make my narrative writing more engaging?

Periods 3,4,5:
1. Writing with sentence variety (Period 5- go over Priscilla first)
2. Short narrative inspired by an image (Free-write)
HW: Finish Free-write

Periods 8/9:
1. Share narratives (free-writes)
2. Writing with style: Expanding sentences and Using strong,colorful words
HW: Extra book due 10/17

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Today in Class...10/8

Periods 3,4,5:
1. 5 week check point!
-Did you hand in your book?
-Do you owe a quiz or chapter notes?
2. Sentence variety- review your notes
3. Free-write process (Period 5- Short story...)
4. Your first free-write
HW: Extra book due Oct 21

Periods 8,9:
1. Writing with Style- Day 1
-Creative short narrative inspired by an image
HW: Finish free-write
Extra book due Oct 17

Monday, October 7, 2013

Today in Class...10/7

1. Let's "analyze the extent to which a filmed production of a story stays faithful to or departs from the text".
The Outsiders- the movie
Periods 3,4,5: Extra Realistic Fiction book and project due 10/21
Periods 8/9: Extra Realistic Fiction book and project due 10/17

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Today in Class...10/2

Happy Birthday Penny!
Happy Birthday Tyler!
Periods 3/4/5:
As I stepped out into the bright sunlight from the darkness of the movie house, I had two things on my mind...
1. Read end of book together- closure
2. SE Hinton: Behind the scenes
3. Review: Done with all chapter guides? Review game
Not done? Work time to finish
HW: Outsiders test Part I tomorrow! Part II Friday, finish all chapter notes

Periods 8/9:
Outsiders test part I (short answer)
HW: Additional book and project due Oct. 16

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Today in Class...10/1

Happy Birthday Devada!

Periods 3/4/5:
1. Reading for Meaning: Short story day
(Period 5 finish story work & go over...reading time, chapter guides OR free-write)
HW: Outsiders finished tomorrow WITH complete chapter guides to hand in!
Test Part I Thursday, Part II Friday

Periods 8/9:
1. Closure/go over Reading for Meaning stories
2. Review tips- Outsiders
3. SE Hinton "behind the scenes"..
(Have sentence variety out- I will be checking it for a quick grade/feedback.)
HW: TEST Part I tomorrow (short answer)
Part II Thursday (multiple choice)

Friday, September 27, 2013

Today in Class...9/27

Periods 3/4:
1. Time travel
2. Finish scene(s)
3. Quiz
4. Reading time
HW: Outsiders FINISHED by Wednesday
ALL chapter guides will be handed in
Period 5:
1. Time travel
2. Quiz
3. Finish story work
4. Groups/share stories

Period 8/9:
1.Parent night highlights
2. Time travel
3. End of book..together
4. Finish story work/free reading
5. Story groups
HW: Beyond the Outsiders novel and project?

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Today in Class...9/26

What are the monumental scenes from The Outsiders?
How can we read for meaning?
Periods 3,4:
1. 10 minutes to practice/pull scene together, discuss question or read
2. Performances

Periods 5,8,9:
1. Short story day
Reading for Meaning
HW: Chapters 8,9 due tomorrow, notes, Quiz
Period 8/9: Finish book by tomorrow! Novel assessment on Wednesday

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Today in Class...9/25

1. Group task
HW: Chapters 9/10 due Friday, Quiz Friday

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Today in Class...9/24

Happy Birthday Andy!!
What is going to happen to Johnny?
How can I actively read so I remember and focus?
1. Read-around: Chapter 8
2. Catch up time: Read, Chapter guides, Extra novel?
HW: Chapter 8 with notes due tomorrow, Chapters 9/10 due Friday with notes- Quiz Friday!

Period 8/9:
1. Group tasks ready (15-20 min)
2. Present/share *Pay close attention- will help with quiz!
HW: Chapters 9& 10 due tomorrow, quiz tomorrow

Friday, September 20, 2013

Today in Class... 9/20

Happy Birthday Mrs. Rogers!
Happy Birthday Jon L.!
1. Reading time (10 min), Have chapter notes out to be checked
2. Punks v. Jocks (a real-life Outsiders story)
3. Comparison
HW: Period 3,4,5: Chs 6-7 due with notes, quiz Mon
Period 8/9: Chs 9/10 with notes due Wed, quiz Wed

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Today in Class...9/19

Nothing Gold Can Stay??
1. Dally Dollas'!!!
2. Finish Characterization
3. Characterization design activity
HW: Periods 3/4/5: Chapters 6&7 with notes and Quiz MONDAY

Period 8/9:
1. Dally Dollas'!
2. Hand in Characterization graphic and have Outsiders notes out to be checked(8/9)
3. Your first Free-write!
Periods 8/9: Chapters 7/8 due Friday with notes, Finish Free-write

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Today in Class...9/18

How can one single incident change a person's life forever?
1. Book check!
2. Connotation
3. Characterize yourself!
HW:CH 6-7 due Monday, quiz Monday, notes
Period 8/9
1. Book check
2. Characterization Activity/ Assessment
3. Reading time
HW: Chs 7/8 due Friday, notes Fri

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Today in Class...9/17

How can one single instant change a person's life forever? 
What if we could go back and change a decision?
1. Time travel
2. Chapter 5 class-read
3. Character traits and Connotation
HW: Chapter 5 with notes due tomorrow
Period 8/9
1. "Beyond the Outsiders" novel reminder
2. Character traits and connotation- revisited
3. Reading time
HW: Chapters 5&6 with notes due tomorrow
No "Quiz" tomorrow- alternate activity
If done with Outsiders, get next novel!!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Today in Class...9/16

Happy Birthday Mary!
1. Time Travel
2. Review secrets to success on novel short answer quizzes
3. Quiz 3/4- Lab
HW: Period 3,4,5: Chapter 5 with notes due Wed

Periods 8/9: Chapters 5/6 due with notes Wed, assessment/activity Wed

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Today in class...9/13

Happy Birthday Emma S.!
What are the character relationships in The Outsiders?
1. Time travel
2. Ch 3 highlights
3. Character maps
HW: Chs 3/4 and notes due Monday
per 8/9
1. Time travel
2. Character maps
3. Library: "Beyond The Outsiders" options...teen fiction
HW: Chs 3/4 and notes due Monday, quiz Monday
*Finish chapter guides before pursuing your additional realistic fiction novel

Monday, September 9, 2013

Today in Class...9/10

Happy Birthday Dante!!
What was it like to be a teenager in the 60's?
What is characterization? How is it demonstrated in The Outsiders?
1. 60's moments
2. Characterization
3. Reading/work time
HW: Chs 1,2 and chapter guide...Quiz tomorrow
LATS on Thursday!!
Periods 8/9:
1. Time travel...Jump in your Corvair!
2. Characterization: Subject- You!
HW: Chs 1,2 and chapter guide...Quiz tomorrow
LATS on Thursday!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Today in Class...9/9

What was being a teenager in the 60's like?
Who are the characters of The Outsiders? How does the author use characterization?
1. The 60's
2. Books, reading schedule and start the novel!
HW: Chapters 1;2 due Wednesday, Quiz Wednesday, Chapter guides Wed
Periods 8&9:
1. Characterization and Connotation
2. The 60's investigation
HW: 60's research sheet, Chapters 1,2 and guides/quiz

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Today in Class...9/6

Who are The Outsiders?
1. "Moocher" follow-up
2. Outsiders reading schedule and contract
3. Outsiders "preview"
HW: Happy Friday!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Today in Class...9/5

Focus question: What is integrity?
1. Discuss examples/non-examples of integrity
2. Short story "The Moocher"
3. Pairs: Discussion questions
HW: Finish "Moocher" discussion questions

Monday, September 2, 2013

Today in class...9/3 The First Day!

1. Fill out cards, scramble...seating
2. Language arts 8- the scoop
3. Symbolism and you
Hw: finish your symbol and writing task
Return paperwork

Friday, June 14, 2013

Today in Class...6/14

1. Book Beach share continued
*Remember to turn in picture for your concession stand treat
2. Finish up Legacy videos
Done? Stay in room to watch on of Mrs. Law's favorite quirky movies

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Today in Class...6/13

1. Beach book share
(Hit the concession stand AFTER you share)
2. Rehearse/Film/Upload "Legacy" videos

Monday, June 10, 2013

Today in Class...6/10

1. Contest prize winners
2. Take 5 min to review portfolio to have your choice all set
3. Portfolio share/presentations
4. Leaving your legacy....
HW: Relax and get a good night's sleep

Friday, June 7, 2013

Today in Class...6/7

1. Quick genre story share
2. Group/teamwork challenge
3. Last PODA day OR...
Stay in room and share quietly and/or free read
HW: Parent portfolio feedback forms due Monday
Portfolio share starts MOnday... Have your piece picked out
Book Beach day Thursday/Friday

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Today in Class...6/6

1. Pick-your-own Story!!
2. Touch base about Portfolios
3. "Who Am I?" game
HW: Portfolios completed by tomorrow at the end of the day. Parent feedback forms due Monday inside the completed portfolio

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Today in Class...6/5

1. Clean up/Catch up
-Finish all double bubble tasks
-Work on Beach book task
-Free read
2. Current (Video) Event
HW: Portfolio due Friday!

Today in Class...6/4

Happy Birthday Mason!!
1. Finish Woman in Snow/Lavender Dress
2. Last Folklore task: Your choice! (independent)
3. The Crazy laws- clips
HW: Portfolio due at the end of the day on Friday!!!!

Friday, May 31, 2013

Today in Class...5/31

The Last Day of May!
1. Two U.S. Urban Legends
HW: Narrative revisions by the end of the day!
Portfolios due next Friday!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Today in Class...5/30

1. Coming up in June...
2. Free reading time
3. Urban Legends
HW: Narrative revisions due tomorrow!
Portfolios due next Friday!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Today in Class...5/29

1. SRI- Last one!
See us for your previous score before you go.
Your passwords will be in the back of the lab if you need them.
2. Video event Wednesday
HW: Narrative revision!!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Today in Class...5/28

1. Folklore:  Legends, Myths, Fables and Folk Tales
-Aunty Misery
-Pandora's Box
2. Portfolio work time
HW: Narrative revisions!!

Friday, May 24, 2013

Today in Class...5/24

Happy Birthday Jacob Perrotta!
1. Free Reading Friday!!
2. Portfolio work day
HW: Portfolio work continued

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Today in Class...5/23

What is a parable?
1. Finish flow maps/free read (15 min)
2. Share parables
3. Fill in class definition of parable
4. Computer lab: Narrative revisions=first priority
HW: Complete narrative revision

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Today in Class...5/22

Happy Birthday Sarah!! Happy Birthday Sami!!
Folklore Unit begins! (Fables, Parables, Myths, Folk tales, Legends)
What is a parable?
1. Parable partners- Activity
2. Current event Wednesday!
HW: Work on Lit reflection piece, Portfolio planning, Free read

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Today in Class...5/21

Happy Birthday Jared!!
1. Your FINAL free-write!! You will submit all 5 BT free-writes today
(This is for a TEST grade...No BT test)
2. In-class writing for Portfolio (End of year Reflection)
3. Free reading- If no book, shop at the library! (MUST HAVE ONE BY END OF DAY!)
HW: Portfolio planning/work

Monday, May 20, 2013

Today in Class...5/20

We are at the end of our (Book Thief) journey...
1. Our picks
2. Fast Five
3. Your
4. Portfolio work time
HW: Think about your Portfolio plan
Make sure you have a free reading book! We will check tomorrow!

Friday, May 17, 2013

Today in Class...5/17

1. Reading time
2. Characterizing Death:
Outdoor treat-Group task in the fresh air!
3. Library: Author-fest
Use your information to help you to find your last free reading book
HW: Finish BT!! Fig Fig due Monday

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Today in Class...5/16

1. Have vocab ready to hand in
2. Section 8 group sharers
3. Fast Five- Part 9
Our Book Thief Journey is over next week!! :(
4. Portfolio work time
HW: Finish BT by Monday- Fig Fig due Monday
Behind on anything? Stay after today!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Today in Class...5/15

1. Group chat- Write responses on your own answer sheets for an classwork grade!!
2. Group share
3. Current (video) event Wednesday!
HW: Section 9 BT due tomorrow, vocab sheet due tomorrow, Fig Fig due Monday!!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Today in Class...5/13

1. The Book Thief Section 8...updates?!
2. Fast Five
3. New vocabulary sheets
4. What will we do for the FINAL EXAM?...End of year Portfolio overview
5. More reading time...Done with BT? Bring a free reading book!!!
HW: BT Section 9 due Thursday, vocab sheet due Thursday

Friday, May 10, 2013

Today in Class...5/10

Happy Birthday Sierra! Happy Birthday Jordan!
1. Vocab study time..
2. Quick vocab quiz
3. Catch up reading time
4. "Losing to Win"- an inspirational true story
5. "The Lady or the Tiger"?
HW: BT Section 8 due Monday

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Today in Class...5/9

1. Part 7 highlights?..
2. Fast Five-Part 7
3. Vocabulary review
4. "The Lady or the Tiger?"...short story
HW: BT Part 8 due Monday

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Today in Class...5/8

1. Discussion groups-Group question-prepare to present
Share Part 6 Figure the Figurative, Work on Part 7's
2. Current event Wednesday
(Bring your ear buds if you have them.)
HW: Part 7 BT due tomorrow, vocab due, review your vocab words (especially the ones we gave you) for an upcoming quick vocab quiz Friday

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Today in Class...5/7

1. Part 5 or 6 Quote interpretation free-write
(Remember- these 5 free-writes will be a major grade for The Book Thief unit)
2. READ! Done with The Book Thief?...Go to library and select a book you'd like to read!
3. Laptops are here today- Finish up Narrative draft 1 and self-edit checklist
HW: Part 6 BT due Thursday, vocab due Thursday
Stay after school today if your Narrative isn't finished!!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Today in Class...5/6

1. Part 6 highlights & review characters
2. Fast Five
3. Catch up time
4. Keep plugging away on Narratives-
Must complete checklist process before handing in
DUE tomorrow by 3:40.
HW: Section 7 BT due Thursday, & vocab sheet

Friday, May 3, 2013

Today in Class...5/3

1. Vocab definitions...Which words do I know well?
2. Duck-duck goose & vocab??
3. Continue with Narrative Essay
Done? Look at your first draft and use the checklist- You can't turn in your draft without your checklist!
HW: Part 6 due MONDAY! Vocab and pink sheets!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Today in Class...5/2

Happy Birthday J.T.!!
1. Group discussion questions/presentations
2. Section 5 highlights
3. Fast Five
*Have vocab and pink figure figurative sheets ready to hand in*

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Today in Class...5/1

1. Figure the Figurative
2. Free-write share: small groups
3. Group chit-chats
4. Current event Wednesday
(A one day break from Narrative writing...if you do not have a solid beginning, have it by tomorrow!)
HW: BT part 5 tomorrow, vocab sheet tomorrow

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Today in Class...4/30

1. Kristallnacht
2. Free-write #22: BT Quote interpretation and picture--Section 4
3. Narratives, con.
*Trouble starting yesterday? Try a new strategy
HW: BT Section 5 due Thursday, Vocab sheet completed

Monday, April 29, 2013

Today in Class...4/29

Happy Birthday Nick A.!
How do I begin my story???...
1. Book Thief highlights...Part 4
2. Figurative Language check-in
3. Fast Five- Part 4
4. Continue reading, work on vocabulary, work on Character relationship chart
5. Rough drafting our Narratives...Where to begin?
HW: Part 5 BT due Thursday, Vocab sheet due Thursday

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Today in Class...4/25

Period 3: Look at last year's narratives, read... Update reading log, continue to work on plot outline of narrative
2. Fast Five- Section 3, Have vocab ready to hand in for credit
3. More "Freedom Writers"
HW: Section 4 BT due Monday, Narrative plan ready for rough draft starting Monday

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Today in Class...4/24

Period 1: Re-visit your last year's narrative, update Reading Logs, continue to fill out plot diagram for narrative story
2. "The Face Slap"
3. More Freedom Writers
HW: BT Section 3 due tomorrow, vocabulary, fig language

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Today in Class...4/23

Why the book burnings???...
1. Photo activity
2. Book Thief continued...
3. Narrative essay process
HW: Section 3 BT due Thursday

Monday, April 22, 2013

Today in Class...4/22

How can I create an engaging narrative story? (Narrative writing requirement)
1. Book Thief Part 2 Highlights
2. Fast Five- Part 2
3. Read/catch up time
4. Narrative writing piece- First steps
HW: BT Part 3 due Thursday, Vocabulary, Figurative Language example

Friday, April 19, 2013

Today in Class...4/19

(Thank Goodness It's Finished!)
1. Highlights from Part 1 Book Thief
2. Quote activity
3. T.G.I.F- Thank Goodness it's Film!
HW: Part 2 due Monday
Vocab for parts 2 & 3 together- due next Thursday
Fig language example

Monday, April 15, 2013

Today in Class...4/15

1. Your questions answered...
2. More helpful background info for Part I
3. Review- Success tips for tomorrow!
4. Collage/Free verse poem work
HW: Study your lit elements notes, Look at your checklists for a good response sheet, Bring ONLY a book and a pencil to test tomorrow

Friday, April 12, 2013

Today in Class...4/12

1. Pre-view quotes sheet-revisited (please have it out)
2. Books distributed, book schedule bookmarks
3. First section vocab
4. Begin book together!
5. Reading time...Get a good start on novel
HW: BT section 1 due 4/18, 10 vocab, 1 FIG LANG

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Today in Class...4/11

1. Preview excerpts from your new book! (group work)
3.  Background- Why the Jews?
4. Materials/procedures for The Book Thief
HW: If you would like Above and Beyond credit- Due Monday

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Today in Class...4/10

1. Smiley Face tricks- Take out your "Magic Three" response
2. Historical Background in preparation for The Book Thief
3. Current Event Wednesday
HW: Finish Narrative passage (Magic Three and Fig Language)
Above and Beyond due Monday

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Today in Class...4/9

1. More Miep!
2. Color-code your writing...How colorful is your response?
3. "Smiley Face tricks" to further improve your writing- Warm ups for Narrative Essay!
HW: Above and Beyond options due Monday

Monday, April 8, 2013

Today in Class...4/8

Happy Belated Birthday to Erin, Julia, Abby, Jeff, Trace, and Emily!!
1. What's new?
2. More about Miep...Writing skills/test prep for next week!!
3. More poetry! Similes review and new poems
HW: finish Miep Gies written task, finish poems

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Today in Class...3/27

Happy Birthday Claire!!
1. Get free writes together & ready to hand in
2. Museum tour of scrapbooks
3. Finish (by reading-in groups) The Diary of Anne Frank...Act II, scenes 4&5
4. Remember the Characteristics of Anne chart? Re-visit it

HW: Above and Beyond options! Consider them for over break
(All options Due April 15th)

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Today in Class...3/26

When Jewish families were forced to hide, what extremes did they go to to save their lives?
1. Video- a true story of survival
2. Free-write (Final response in this set!- Full set handed in tomorrow!)
3. Anne Frank performance..continued
HW: Scrapbooks due tomorrow
Free-writes set 4 due tomorrow (BEST QUALITY)
See us for Above and Beyond before break!!!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Today in Class...3/25

Congratulations to The Cast and Crew of The Little Mermaid!!!
(Have book notes out, ready to be checked.)
1. Scrapbook work time...Sharing on Wednesday!
2. The Diary of Anne Frank...our class performance!
HW: HF books should be finished, Above and Beyond options suggested!!
Behind on scrapbook? Stay after or come for Activity this week

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Today in Class...3/21

1. Scrapbook tips and work time
(Scrapbooks to be presented next Wednesday!)
2. Act I, Scene 5- What is Hannukah? What will happen to cause great worry in The Secret Annexe?
3. Free-writes...Polishing our writing
HW: Continue to make Free-writes BEST QUALITY work
Finish book and notes by Monday
Above and Beyond options

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Today in Class...3/20

1. Hand in Imagery poems
2. Current event Wednesday (morning)
3. Anne Frank Act I, Scenes 3 & 4
4. Free write
HW: Finish Free-write
Finish book by Monday with notes
Above and Beyond?

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Today in Class...3/19

What are some of the sources of the mounting tension in the "Secret Annex"?
1. Poetry morning
-Share more poems
-Review your poetry analysis
-Write new poems!
2. Anne Frank Act I, Scenes 3&4
HW: Finish free-write, Last section of book with notes
Above and Beyond?

Monday, March 18, 2013

Today in Class...3/18

What makes for a vibrant and engaging drama production?
1. Scrapbooks
(have notes out to be checked)
2. Anne Frank: ACT I-Scenes 1 & 2 (maybe 3)
Warming up...
HW: Last section of book due next week
Above and Beyond?

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Today in Class...3/15

Who was Anne Frank?
1. Lab- finish webquests
2. Group scrapbook
3. Anne Frank video Part II
HW: Book Section 2 due Monday with notes
Above and Beyond options?

Today in Class...3/14

Who was Anne Frank?
1. Webquest- Visit the Holocaust Museum and Read Anne Frank's scrapbook
2. Video- Why did Anne Frank's family go into hiding?
HW: Book section 2 due Monday with notes
Above and Beyond?

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Today in Class...3/13

Happy Birthday Tori!!!
1. Address some FAQ's about your books
2. Share our local poets' poems
3. Poetry analysis- Pick your own poem
4. Current Event Wednesday
HW: Finish poetry analysis sheet
Book section 2 due Monday with notes
Above and Beyond?

Monday, March 11, 2013

Today in Class...3/12

1. Free-write and questions
2. Reading time
3. Above and Beyond options
4. Stew-Colb
HW: Book section 2 with notes
Finish Free-write

Today in Class...3/11

1. Chat with book buddies! & Group task..
2. More poetry- Simile, Metaphor and Cliche
HW: Finish Family/Friend & Childhood Metaphor poems
Book section 2 with notes
*Above and Beyond options offered tomorrow

Friday, March 8, 2013

Today in Class...3/8

Hooray! Your LATS are done! (for now)
What new information have I learned about the 30s or the 40s?
1. Library- Report to LAST station
2. Finish up any incomplete station
3. Go back to room for reading time when finished
4. Current Event Friday!!!
HW: Section 1 of novel with notes due Monday

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Today in Class...3/7

Happy LAT day! Do your best...Remember writing skills tips AND...

HW: Section 1 of novel with notes due Monday

Today in Class...3/6

How can I improve upon my beginning of the year writing?
1. Library Stations (con.)
2. Writing skills and editing our first LAT
3. Reading time (Bring new novels!)
HW: HF novel section 1 with notes

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Today in Class...3/5

Happy Birthday Jimmy!
What can I discover about the time period of my novel?
1. Independent learning stations
2. New books, reading schedule and notes
HW: Read first section of HF novel
*LAT on Thursday

Monday, March 4, 2013

Today in Class...3/4

What is historical fiction? What can we learn about history through reading literature?
1. Historical Fiction overview
2. Book choices
3. Analyzing a historical photograph
4. Station prep (Stations in library tomorrow)
Announcement: 8th grade LAT's on Thursday! Review/practice writing skills!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Today in Class...3/1

1. Finish Love that Dog and post reading
2. Fun!! Circle poems
HW: Make sure free-write is done

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Today in Class...2/28

Happy Birthday Natalie!
1.  Finish "White Fang" and comparison phase 2
2.  Quizzes back: A gentle reminder....
3. Poetry- Love That Dog
HW: Finish "Fang" work

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Today in Class...2/27

What will become of White Fang?
1. Discuss Sam McGee
2. Comparison task- continued
3. Current event Wednesday
HW: Finish Current event, Finish Fang/Call notes

Monday, February 25, 2013

Today in Class...2/26

Happy Birthday Dave!!
1. Who is Sam McGee?....a fitting Klondike poem
Poetry groups
2. White Fang comparison...continued
HW: Finish Sam McGee questions, if necessary

Today in Class...2/26

Happy Birthday Kaleigh!
Which requires a more drastic adaptation-domestic to wild or wild to domestic?
1. "Know your doggie"- comparison task
2. View White Fang- part I
(Comparison task)
HW: Rest after your first day back! :)

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Today in Class...2/14

Happy Valentine's Day!
1. Let's re-live Call of the Wild! Quick skits
2. Discuss notes/themes/events of novel
3. Current event Valentine's Day!
HW: Finish C.O.W for tomorrow...Final quiz tomorrow-NOT OPEN NOTE

Today in Class...2/13

1. Go over Writing Skills (formal/informal writing)
2. Begin Honors 9 Essay
4. Honors 9 Essay
HW: Finish C.O.W! Quiz on book as a whole on Friday. (We will review tomorrow)
Make sure Set 3 Free-writes are in order.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Today in Class...2/12

1. The Last of the Book-Chatters!
2. Writing skills continued..Formal vs. Informal English
3. Gender & Stereotypes activity
HW: Call of the Wild ch 6 with notes, Finish writing skills work
Reminder: Honors 9 Essay tomorrow

Today in Class...2/11

1. Book chats
2. Writing skills...con
3. Writing task: Gender
4. Computer lab- finish current event
HW: Call of the Wild chapter 6 with notes due Wednesday

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Today in Class...2/8

What do Charles, Hal, and Mercedes symbolize?
1. More book chats!
2. C.O.W. Quick Quiz
3. Gender's role in our society
HW: Call next section with notes due Wednesday

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Today in Class...2/7

How can I apply some writing skills and short answer tips to the Quarterly Assessment today?
1.  Quarterly Assessment -50 minutes
Pace yourself accordingly!
2.  More team-building
HW: Call of the Wild Chapter 5 with notes

Today in Class...2/6

What has happened with our dog sled team?
1. Book chats continued...
2. Call of the Wild discussion/update
3. Current event Wednesday
HW: Call of Wild chapter 5 with notes by Friday, hand in "Flowers" re-writes
Quarterly Assessment tomorrow

Monday, February 4, 2013

Today in Class...2/5

Happy Birthday Aline!
What skills can I sharpen for my writing?
1. More book chats
2. Writing skills, con...
3. Do's and Dont's of short answer responses
4. C.O.W catch up time
HW: C.O.W chapters 3&4 tomorrow

Today in Class...2/4

Happy Birthday Nicole!
As we approach more writing tasks, what are some ways we can "amp up" our writing?
1. Book chat volunteers? ...(After today we will be drawing randomnly)
2. Writing skills practice
3. Team-building challenge
HW: Make sure book chat is prepared, C.O.W section 2 with notes due Wednesday

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Today in Class...1/31

What kind of person was/is the subject of my biography/autobiography?
1. Continue to work on biography/autobiography caricature THEN work on C.O.W
2. SRI....It's important! Do your best.
HW: C.O.W Chs 1&2 with notes due Friday, Short quiz Friday
Looking ahead:
-Quarterly Assessment next week (Feb 6)
-English 9 Honors Essay ...Feb 13th (done in class)

Today in Class...1/30

What happens if you take a domesticated dog and put him in the wild?
1. New books, notes packets, organizers, reading schedule
2. Start reading together...
3. Current event Wednesday
HW: Finish your biographies/autobiographies!!! You will be giving a short book talk on these next week

Monday, January 28, 2013

Today in Class...1/28

Why did people drop everything to search for gold?
Who was Jack London?
1. Gold Rush video & gold rush information
2. Jack London research
3. Computer "Cool"-ages
HW: Finish "Cool"-age

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Today in Class...1/25

Happy Dog-Day!!!
1. Dogs and nature
2. A glimpse at a day with a sled dog
3. Write like a dog!
4. Biography/Autobiography caricatures
HW: Finish dog free-write

Today in Class...1/24

What is the new vocabulary for The Call of the Wild?
1. Vocabulary jigsaw....Old school!
2. New spelling words
3. Vocab follow-up (choice)
HW: Finish vocabulary activity, Read bio/autobio (related task tomorrow..make sure you have book in afternoon class!!)

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Today in Class...1/23

What makes for a good short answer?
1. Overview of effective short answer
2. "Flowers" quiz
3. Read bios/autobios when done
4. Current event Wednesday
HW: Finish Current event work, Dog pictures?

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Today in Class...1/22

1. Closure: "Flowers for Algernon"
2. Discussion groups
3. MLK Reflection
HW: Quiz on "Flowers" tomorrow, Study 12 vocabulary words and make sure "Flowers"  notes are complete

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Today in Class...1/18

What will happen to Charlie?
1. Partner read continued...Read/stop/discuss
2. Quiz- Words often Confused
3. Read biography.. "Check" task moved to next week
4. Share vocabulary Acrostic stories
HW: Continue to read bios/autobios, MP2
Gradebook closes Tuesday!!
**Bring in a picture of your dog or a favorite dog!!!!! (earn some "$$$")

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Today in Class...1/17

Where do we start to see the first sign of Charlie's increased intelligence?
1. "Catch up" time: Period 1- Make sure you are through PR 11, Period 3- PR 9
If there, read Biography/Autobiography
2. Partner read...Use "stop light" method to discuss and jot notes down together
3. Vocabulary Acrostics!
HW: Study for "Words often confused/Homonyms" quiz, Read Bios/Autobios

Today in Class...1/16

What will happen after Charlie's operation?
1. Independent reading..."Flowers" with notes
2. Finished? Work on free-write (due tomorrow) or Biographies
3. Current event Wednesday
HW: Free-write #11

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Today in Class...1/15

How relevant/important is IQ?
1. A little bit more on brains and IQ
2. Start reading "Flowers"
3. Stop! Grammar Time!!
Finish working through purple books, Make your PERSONAL NOTES SHEET....Quiz on Words Often Confused Thursday or Friday!
HW: Continue reading Biography...Application activity on Friday using your book

Monday, January 14, 2013

Today in Class...1/14

Happy Birthday Audrey!
1. Giver book check-ins
2. Finish "Flowers" vocabulary
3. Ink-blot tests...What does it reveal about you?
4. I.Q..What does it all mean?
5. Library for new books...Biography/Autobiography
HW: Start reading (and make sure you have) your bio/autobio free reading

Friday, January 11, 2013

Today in Class...1/11

What would happen if we could operate on the human brain in order to increase intelligence?
1. Winners of Bradbury bucks
2. Organize free-writes to hand in
3. "Flowers for Algernon" prep...a classic sci-fi story
4. New vocabulary
5. Organization afternoon!
-Writing folders...Clear out the old, add the new (Argumentative Essays & PSA's back)
-Update new Reading Logs
HW: None!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Today in Class...1/10

What would protestors say about uptopian communities? (The other side..)
1. Tourism Ads..Which one will sell the most/best? Who wins the account?
2. Protestors
3. Continue writing "Bradberry" story
HW: Finish Little-Bradberry story, Above and beyond Sci-fi due end of day Friday

Today in Class...1/9

Can one small alteration of the past affect our future?
1. Share: Similarities/Differences between novel/movie (Conclusion Phase)
2. Last phase: Application- Create a tourism ad!
3. Write like Ray Bradbury!
HW: "Little Bradbury" story due Friday, Finish tourism ad

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Today in Class...1/8

How does the past shape/impact our future?
1. Time travel?
2. "A Sound of Thunder"...a story that will make you think!
3. Wrap up story individually
4. Comparing- Creative Application
HW: Finish Comparison (Application) Task 1, Make sure flow map is complete

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Today in Class...1/3

What literary elements are present throughout The Giver?
1. Scavenger hunt! (Literary elements)
2. The Phases of Comparison...
Phase One: Comparing The Giver to the film Pleasantville
HW: Above and Beyond sci-fi options due by next Friday

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Today in Class...1/2/2013

Happy 2013!
What happened to Jonas????
1. Group discussions
2. Final quiz
4. Current event Wednesday
HW: Finish current event