
Follow me on Twitter! @lisalaw423
reminders, tips, class highlights...

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Today in Class...9/30

Happy Birthday Casey!
Periods 3,7,9:
1. Group book discussion challenge
Partner book share
HW: Work on book project--due Monday

Periods 2/6:
1.Lit elements notes- Character motivation
2. Short story- "A Mother in Mannville"
3. Finish story/questions
4. W Workshop; Investigative Journalism
Hw: Read Realistic Fiction book
"Publish" your chosen news story

Monday, September 29, 2014

Today in Class...9/29

Happy Birthday David!
Periods 3/7/9:
1. Book project choices
non-book chat options , book chats
2. Finish Fan Club and Hunger (finally!) and share
(Done? Start planning book project...)
3. And the winners are....
HW: Book projects due next Monday 10/6

Periods 2/7: *Please hand in Stay Current sheet from Friday
(Outsiders/RF comparison project)
1. Editing and Publishing
-Be ready to show me your proof of editing for a grade
-Pick your piece to publish for final grade (Google docs and share..)
HW: "Publish" and share your news story by Wed 10/1

Friday, September 26, 2014

Today in Class...9/26

Happy Birthday Cheyenne!
Periods 3,7,9:
1. Hand in Quotable Quote
2. Stay Current Friday! Recap of week, choices of articles
3. Finish Reading for Meaning Stories
HW: Finish your book!!!

Periods 2/7:
1. New book check
2. Writers Workshop...editing (must show me all three pieces for a grade)
3. Stay current Friday!
4. Discuss stories
HW: Read new RF books

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Today in Class...9/25

Periods 3,7,9: In search of 13 Reasons Why-- if done, please let us know!
1. quote task
2. Finish Reading for Meaning stories (Fan Club or Hunger)
3. READ your book
HW: Finish any classwork above, Read your Real.Fict book
BYO tablet/kindle etc tomorrow if you'd like

Periods 2/6:
1. Writing Workshop
Sample text, Checklist, Edit ALL pieces to get ready for publication
2. Reading for Meaning-- Short stories
HW: Finish RFM stories
Outsiders FINISHED-- new (comparison) book will be checked tomorrow
BYO tablet/kindle tomorrow if you'd like

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Today in Class...9/24

Periods 3,7,9:
1. Discuss  Moocher
2. Reading for Meaning...
Short story day continued! Two new stories...
HW: Part 4 of book finished

Periods 2/6:
1. Outsiders quiz
2. Discuss Moocher..
3. The Outsiders...on stage!!
4. Go over more vocab/Discuss Moocher
Hw: Finish Outsiders...Get your comparison book!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Today in Class...9/23

Happy Birthday Maddie M.!
Periods 3,7,9:
*Reminder- Don't let free-writes build up!
1. Symbolism- quick notes
2. Short story day
HW: Finish "Moocher" questions
Part 4 of book due Thursday

Periods 2/6:
1. Symbolism notes
2.  Short story day
3. Vocab--go over one exercise
4. Outsiders group task
Hw: Outsiders completed Friday. New book check Friday

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Today in Class...9/22

Periods 3,7,9:
1. RF Novel Quiz 2
2. Reading time
HW: Read next section of book
Free writes

Periods 2/6:
1. Vocabulary
Done? Work on Writing Workshop story, Read
2. Outsiders on stage?
HW: Next section due Wednesday, Quiz Wednesday

Friday, September 19, 2014

Today in Class...9/19

Current Event Friday!!!!
Periods 3,7,9:
1. Reading time
2. Current event friday "light"
HW: Part 3 Monday! You should be on part 3 of book!

Periods 2/6:
1. Quick Outsiders quiz
2. You MUST pick one: Read, Finish Fairy Tale, get a new book

HW: Chapters 9/10 due Wednesday 

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Today in Class...9/18

Periods 3,7,9:
1. Free write # 2
2. 20/20 news story-- "Punks and Jocks"
*time to work on free write or read
Hw: Read, Part 3 quiz Monday
Free writes 

Periods 2/6:
1. Free write 2 and watch news story
2. Writing Workshop-- Fairy Tales continued
HW: Free writes, Outsiders next section due (7/8)- Quiz tomorrow

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Today in Class...9/17

Periods 3,7,9:
1. Create your Characterization Character
Characterization Activity
2. Special adventure
HW: Part 2 of  book tmrw, Finish Characterization Character 

Periods 2/6:
1. Writing Workshop..Report on your fairy tale
*Remember all that makes a news report powerful! Look at notes.
2. Create your Characterization Character
3. Special Adventure
Hw: Finish Characterization Character, Outsiders

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Today in Class…9/16

Periods 3,7,9:
Happy Birthday Jake!
1.  Characterization and Connotation- revisited
2. Partners-- connotation exercise
3.  Characterization task
HW: Finish characterization task
Read next section of book

Periods 2/6:
1. Writing workshop-- Journalism and Fairy Tales?..
2. Characterization/Connotation exercise
HW: Outsiders part 3 due tomorrow
Finish characterization task
Fairy Tales

Monday, September 15, 2014

Today in Class...9/15

Periods 3,7,9:
1. Review/discuss Stay Current Sheets
2. Novel quiz 1
3. Reading time OR finish Stay Current sheet- see me for hard copy of news story
HW: Part 2 of book due Thursday
Stay Current sheet due tomorrow

Periods 2/6:
1. Outsiders quiz 1 back/go over
2. Outsiders quiz 2
3. Reading time when done...
4. Writing workshop: Partner conferences and checklists
HW: Chapters 5,6 due Wednesday, Quiz Wednesday

Friday, September 12, 2014

Today in Class...9/12

Periods 3,7,9:
Stay Current Friday!!!
Welcome guest expert Mrs. Kowalski!
HW: Part 1 of novel due Monday- prepare for quiz

Periods 2/6:
1. Stay Current Friday with Mrs. Kowalski!
2. Your professional email accounts and Google Drive
3. Writing workshop
HW: Part 2 Outsiders due Monday, quiz

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Today in Class...9/11

Periods 3,7,9:
1. Lit elements notes: Characterization and Connotation
2. Novel note options
3. Reading time..Enjoy your new books!
HW; Part 1 of novel due Monday- notes optional (can use with quiz)

Periods 2/6:
1. Writing Workshop con.
2. Lit elements notes
3. Reading time
HW: Next section of Outsiders

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Today in Class...9/10

Periods 3,7,9:
1. Review free-write process
2. Other book options? and book schedule
3. Book decisions...get started!
HW: Begin Part 1 of new novel

Periods 2/6:
1. Quiz 1- The Outsiders
2. Reading time
3. Writing workshops- start your new story!
HW: Part 2 of Outsiders

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Today in Class...9/9

Happy Birthday Jake!
Periods 3,7,9:
1. Twitter points
2. Your first novel...
3. What is a free write? How will do well on them?
HW: Make your book decision by tomorrow
Free write #1

Periods 2/6:
1. Twitter points
2. Your first novel!!
3. Writing workshop..???
HW: Outsiders reading, Quiz tomorrow

Monday, September 8, 2014

Today in Class...9/8

Periods 3,6,9:
1. Have HW out to be collected
2. LAT day
(Remember to bring something to do for second half of ELA time..people will be finishing at different times.)
HW: None!

Periods 2/6:
1. Materials check and organize
2. LAT day *see above
HW: Free write complete and filed in a SAFE place, awaiting others for full set

Friday, September 5, 2014

Today in Class...9/5

Periods 3,6,9:
1. Names refresher/Mrs. Law's & Ms. Connelly's pet peeves
2. Current event Friday!
HW: Finish "Stay Current" sheet
Materials due Monday

Periods 2/6:
1. Names refresher/pet peeves
2. Discuss current event
3. The Smartphone Problem--Our first free-write
HW: Bring materials to class Monday to get organized!
Phone free-write prepared

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Today in Class…9/4

Periods 3,7,9:
1. Daily job overview
2. Answers to our current events…
3. Your introduction to our online newspaper
4. Current event process- begin
HW: Come in tomorrow with one current event written down! 

Period 2/6:
1. Daily job/FAQ's
2. Current events…Online newspaper, Current event process
3. Writing workshop…your next task as Journalist
HW: Finish Current event sheet